
John & Angie Edelmann 

(Canada & Mrs Canada) 

John & Angie are the Founders of DCIMM (Disciples of Christ International Motorcycle Ministry), as well as Founders of KWI (Kingdom Works International), which is an International Outreach, preaching the Word of God.

John was born in Canada and the Lord brought him to Australia in 1993. Prior to arriving in Australia,  he was struggling with life; with drug and alcohol addiction and living a life of crime. John also had daily suicidal thoughts for twenty plus years. Not wanting to live that life anymore, he called out to God. This led him to be radically transformed and he now lives for Jesus!

Angie is an Australian (an Aussie) and after becoming a Christian, her world was turned upside down! Since then, God has transformed her life (Romans 12:2), no longer doing the things she did before and He healed her of Meniere’s disease (after suffering for 17 years of it’s symptoms) (Matthew 9:20-22).

The Lord sends them together to the nations to preach the gospel. (Mark 16:15)

Once you know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, there is no looking back! They both love the Lord and know the God given call upon their lives.

It is all about Jesus, one is either all in (100%er) or one isn’t…. James 4:4…



Shepherd & Felzy

( Shepherd & Felzy) 

Shepherd came to know Christ and became a Christian in 1993 turning from a life filled with drugs, violence, alcoholism and crime.  

Felzy came to Christ and became a Christian in 2000 turning from drugs, alcohol and various other excesses.

They have been involved in various Christian ministries including their own for a number of decades, from church planting to apostolic ministry, missions, leadership training, equipping and releasing, prison ministry and street ministry. They have 10 children together and live on their farm in north west Victoria.


The Count & Mello (Ambassadors)

(The Count & Mello) 

The Count was Born Again later in life at the age of 30, the Lord delivered him from of a life of addiction. Mello came to the Lord at a young age and is so thankful to have grown up knowing Jesus.  They have been married for many years and have been blessed with Children and Grandchildren.  

One of the most important decisions in their married life was to be planted in a Biblical Church which teaches the uncompromised Word of God and disciples them according the the Word.  

They and their Children have had the privilege of serving in the house of God and are so blessed to be part of DCIMMWhat an honour it is to “GO” and preach and making disciples of all men. Their desire is that many will come to the Lord through this ministry get planted in a Church and become true disciples of Christ. 


 Singe & Elli (Ambassadors)

(Singe & Elli) 

Singe wasn’t a Christian, he had no interest in God liked to drink, and was a hard worker.  

Elli was a backslidden, barely hanging on, caught up in wrong doctrine, ignorant and living in sin “Christian”.

The week after they got married, Elli went back to church, but this time to a church that disciples people! Within a short time she was confronted on wrong doctrines and fell in love more than ever with the word of God! She was taught she could 1. Understand it and 2. That she could actually do what the Word says!! And breakthrough in so many areas began to happen! 

Biblical Discipleship works! If we are humble, teachable and open! After a few years of getting discipled, Singe was born again, and grew fast in the things of God. They served as missionaries in Queensland for a few years, and later moved back to Victoria, where they now have a homestead, homeschool their kids, love Jesus above all else, serve together in their local church and continue to be disciples of Christ!

 Batman (Ambassador) 


G’day, Road name Batman here. Like most people I love a super hero and the greatest Hero of them all is Jesus.

I have been walking with the Lord for just over 20 years now and without Him, I’d be another Villain in this world.

With my beautiful wife we have been serving the Lord for over 10 years as Pastors in a bible believing church.

From one super hero saying to another, “With great power, comes great responsibility”, and as Jesus says in Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 

As Christians that is what Jesus has charged us to do and we will continually reach out to the lost.

Shelby (Ambassador)


Striving to find contentment through the music scene, alcohol & relationships, brought me emptiness & great sorrow. My thoughts manipulated my sense of freedom, seemly trapping me on the torturous carousel of the World.
I always knew there was a God & I cried out to Him; broken & confused Jesus met me where I was & lifted the veil of darkness & witchcraft off me.
Jesus released me from that carousel of the world & set my feet upon the firm foundation of His WORD.
I didn’t know I could have a relationship with my creator & that He desires to be in relationship with me, & all that seek Him.
He is now my Lord & Saviour & I worship Him with my life & with my music, & He leads me teaching me His ways. I am no longer manipulated by my thoughts & have such incredible peace & contentment that comes from the knowledge of the truth of the WORD of God.
Psalm 40:1-8


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths

~ Proverbs 3:5-6 ~